About Me

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I know im not that famous but the name is Atta Emran, 14, and Im a Johannian. That is I study at SMKSTJOHN :D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Atta at practice

nothing happen

Survayy bangang +.+"

whats your name spelt backwards?
Narme Atta, Hahaha yg tebalek pun sama =D

What did you do last night?
Watching Tv, nothing else better to do.

The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Uhh, just some songs.

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?
Yess, painfull. Saya tidak mengerti lagi.

Last time you swam in a pool?
Uhh, november. Penang

What are you wearing?
Surf pants, and diadora

How many cars have you owned?
A lot, playcards, uno cards, u name it!

Type of music you dislike most?

Are you registered to vote?
No, Baru 14 kott, gila kaa.

Do you have cable?
astro babyyy.

What kind of computer do you use?

Ever made a prank phone call?
Naah, You think I banyak duit kaa?

You like anyone right now?
Like? Naah, I love someone right now.

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Sky diving, Whooo!

Furthest place you ever traveled?
Uhh, none.

What's your favorite comic strip?
Hmm, entah.

Do u know all the words to the national anthem?
yeahh :) budak baik.

Shower, morning or night?
Noon, HAHA

Best movie you've seen in the past month?
Uhh, Bolt?

Favorite pizza toppings?

Chips or popcorn?

What cell phone provider do you have?

Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
Huh? I dont even knw what that is.

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?

Orange Juice or apple?

Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?
uh. family.

favorite chocolate bar?
Willy Wonka Bars.

Who is your longest friend and how long?
Akif, since 10 years old.

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
never did.

Have you ever won a trophy?
yeah, ugh

Favorite arcade game?
Hmm, shooting basket

Ever ordered from an infomercial?

Sprite or 7-UP?

Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?
yeah, i HAVE to.

Last thing you bought at Walgreens?

Ever thrown up in public?
nope, ugh.

Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?
millionaire! haha, Kebab ily

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Spongebob, hillarious!

Did you have long hair as a young kid?

What message is on your voicemail machine?
please leave a message after the tone. TOOOT.

Where would you like to go right now?
Uhh, Japan.

Whats the name of your pet?
Gon, but now he's really GONE.

What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?
Bodyglove, books. I dnt use much lately.

Berlagak sekejap HAHA

Saya Spenderman!

Aku power, boleh kalahkan kamu semua.
Aku main hoki gila power!
I have my smooth talk!
Betul Dania?
Kebab saya,
Aku gempak, gempak gilaa!

Aku Merepek!
Semua ini tidak benar*

Stupidly made by,

Alan Hahaha

Sunday, December 7, 2008


A wise girl made this

1(​​​​Jan)​​​​ -I kisse​d
2 (​​​​Feb)​​​​ I shot
3 (​​​​Mar)​​​​ - I touch​ed
4 (​​​​Apr)​​​​ - I kille​d
5 (​​​​May)​​​​ - I hugge​d
6 (​​​​June)​​​​-​​​​ i slapp​ed
7 (​​​​July)​​​​ - I had sex with
8 (​​​​Aug)​​​​ - i smoke​d with
9 (​​​​Sept)​​​​ - ran naked​ with
10 (​​​​Oct)​​​​-​​​​I ran shirt​less with
11 (​​​​Nov)​​​​ - I robbe​d
12 (​​​​Dec)​​​​ --I stabb​ed

Pick the day (​​​​numbe​r)​​​​ you were born on
01 - the cooki​e monst​er
02 - joe jonas​
03 -the troja​n man
04 - my lover​
05 - a Easte​r Egg
06 - a rock star
07 - Paris​ Hilto​n
08 - a dog
09 - a bowl of cerea​l
10 - my cat1
1 - yo mama
12 - a hobo
13 - a gangs​ta
14 - tiny tim
15 - a crack​ head
16 - the one that i love
17 - a condo​m
18 - barne​y
19 - a sexy man
20 - my boyfr​iend
21 - tooth​ brush​
22 - a whore​
23 - a slut
24 - lil wayne
​25 - a telet​ubby
26 - a hotti​e
27 - my crush​
28 - a bag of weed
29 - barne​yy
30 - my ex boyfr​iend
31 -a mop

Pick the color​ of shirt​ you are weari​ng
yello​w - becau​secom​ando mitch​ is da bomb like tic tic
White​ - becau​se my boobs​ are HUGE
Black​ - becau​se I love weed
Pink - becau​se i snort​ cocai​ne
Red - becau​se that bum stole​ my taco
brown​-​​​​ becau​se im awsom​e like that
Polka​ Dots - becau​se I hate my life
Purpl​e - becua​se im speci​al
blue-​​​​ becau​se im good in bed
Other​ - becau​se I'm retar​ded
Green​ -​​​​becau​se i still​ love him
Orang​e - becau​se I smoke​ crack
​Turqu​oise - becau​se I have a noodl​e in my nose
gray - becau​se im the sexie​st bitch​ alive​
Tye dye- becau​se Im a fucki​ng scuba​ diver​none-​​​​ becau​se i have a kille​r six pack

Stupidly copied by,
Atto Emran :D

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dirty Undies

I woke up like 8 am, and call mom. "Ma, kat ne?" "Mama dekat office laa" "haa, jakgi amek Alan pukul 11. Ada band." "Eee, band ni menyusahkan aa! Okay laa, jakgi Ma datang" "Kay bye" "Bye".

So I was oh my god its 8 in the morning. Tidur kejap aa. I woke again and I look at the time, Oh SHIT! Its 11.50! Rushing rushing nak siap semua. 10 minutes of shower baii, sumpah tak puas. Then sarong je la seluar ngan baju tu.

My mom arrived like around 12.15, then dia berbunyi. "Kenapa Mama call tak angkat!? Membuta je!" "dah dah, drive drive."

While in the car, dia bunyi lagi, "asal ni? asyik nak keluar je, belajar tak la pandai mana? haish!" I was like Hmm, Hmm and more HMM. Kenapa la time jugak? While things got quiet, i ask, "Ma, Nak duit?" "Haa, duit mintak! Belajar tak mau!" She lend me RM8. "RM8? Mana cukup?" "Band sekejap je en? Minum mineral je" "Yeeeaaa laaaa"

Finally, sampai St.John. Then, my senior pulak. "Wei, Atta. Kau nari macam korang nari hari tu." "Alaa, sarjen. Relax relax aa. Saya baru sampai." "Aaa tade tade. Kau buat jugak" And then we just keep on dancing. Adoyaii.

While dancing, Lilen text and said "Have a great day yaang! After band text i kay, Bye ily." I tak sempat nak reply. Have to dance macam sotong bangang. Then, Coperal Raja sampai, "Wei, keluarkan bagpipe. Kita practice kat sekolah rendah. Sini ada exam." So, i pun keluar kan aa. Yadayadayada.

Sampai sekolah rendah, kitaorang tuning pipe. Tune tune tune, senior i cakap "Wei Atta, aku nak kau tiup 10 minit. Jangan berhenti." so, i pun tiup aa. I okay aa. Dapat sampai 10 minutes. Kawan i, Akmal, 2 minutes pun tak sampai. Dia kena lari around the field. Kesiaaann.

Suddenly, Mom called. "Emran, jakgi jgn balek rumah. Pergi stadium hoki." "Oh okay" Then I cakap laa kat senior. "Boleh saya balek awal aak? Ada training hoki aa." "Aku nak kau bayar duit upah diorang hantar pipe kau ke sekolah." I pun bagi laa RM2.

I walk to the nearest LRT station. I have Touch and Go. Haha, bangga. Then, sampai Stadium. Sampai stadium I train laa. Pukul pukul bola. Then, balek rumah. Text awek Pahang jap. Then makaaan!

So, the moral of the story iss... Naah, I got nothing. So good day.
Stupidly made by,
Atto Emran

New maa.

Uhh, first of all. Im rarely online so blog takbole post sendiri kan? Haha, lambat sikit baru boleh post aa kira nya. Yeah, im new to this... thing. Im no sure how this thing works, but ada laa orang orang yg akan ajar. Betul tak Dania? HAHA, tada laa. Umm, so here i am. I have nothing left to say so, good day, Phreaks~